Breast Center, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics and CCC Munich LMU

LMU is the leading teaching and research university in Germany, ranking 1st in Germany in the latest Times Higher Education World University Ranking. LMU Klinikum – KUM acts in ARTILLERY as affiliated entity of LMU. This setup is required to ensure compliance with Bavarian legislation. In the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, LMU participated in more than 280 projects, thereof in 10 as coordinating institution, which makes this organization highly experience in EU projects. Also, KUM leading researcher has been PI of a successful decision impact trial (WGS-PRIMe study) in breast cancer patients, making her well suited to lead ARTILLERY WP4. The volume of breast cancer patients treated each year within the
department of radiotherapy is also substantial (number of patients per year) 350 patients.